Header image Ducks flying
Fighting to
protect, preserve, and improve the sport of waterfowling in




Here are the different levels of membership. 

JOIN NOW, Support the WAI, Support Iowa Waterfowling and our outdoor heritage!

To Print off a membership form CLICK HERE (This is an Adobe pdf  file)

To Join by major credit card, click on the Subscribe link under the membership you wish to join. This sign-up is through PAYPAL, so you must register with PAYPAL. It is very quick and very secure. We thank you for your support. 

You may also print off a membership form and mail it in CLICK HERE


$10 Blue Wing Member (Under 15)    (Member receives a window decal)

New Members incentive Click here

$25 Regular Member (Member receives a window decal)

New Members incentive Click here

$60 Contributing Member (Member Receives a window decal and hat)

New Members incentive Click here

$250 Sponsor Member (Member receives Window decal, and a Clint Taylor handmade decoy)

New Members incentive Click here

$500 Patron Member (Member receives window decal, and a Acrylic Echo duck call)

New Members incentive Click here

$1,500 Life Member (Member Receives decal, hat and a Jim Hansel waterfowl Print

New Members incentive Click here

Please contact one of your zone delegate.

Thank You!

$5000 Silver Benefactor (Member receives decal, hat, Jim Hansel waterfowl print and a  commemorative plaque

New Members incentive Click here


Please contact one of your zone delegates.

Thank You!

$10,000 Gold Benefactor

(Member receives decal, hat, Jim Hansel waterfowl print and a  commemorative plaque



Please contact one of your zone delegates.

Thank You!