Waterfowl Association of Iowa, Inc. Trumpeter Swan Educational Project
Project Goal
The Trumpeter Swan will be used by the Waterfowl Association of Iowa, Inc. in conjunction with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to educate youth and adults about the difference between Pelicans, Snow Geese and Swans in an attempt to reduce the mortality rate of swans in Iowa, and to help inform the general public about the Trumpeter Swan Restoration Program efforts in Iowa.
It is the goal of the Waterfowl Association of Iowa, Inc. Trumpeter Swan Educational Project to raise $1200.00 to be used towards the costs involved with the taxidermy work, display case and plaque.
Taxidermy work on the Trumpeter Swan (**) is being completed at this time by Real Life Designs Studio in Spirit Lake, Iowa. (Owned and operated by Jeff Baker, Master Taxidermists.) After completion of the taxidermy work, a wood traveling display case will be custom built that will house the Swan yet allow easy transportation of the Swan throughout the state, along with a plaque depicting the names of all contributing donors who were gracious enough to contribute. **This adult Trumpeter Swan perished as the result of a power line collision.
FACT: Hunter misidentification is the leading cause of Swan mortality in Iowa. Power line collisions are the second leading cause of Swan mortality in Iowa.
Since 1994: *21 Swans have perished as the result of being shot *14 Swans have perished as the result of power line collision
How Can You Help? By making a tax deductible contribution of $20.00 or more, you will help the WAI in their efforts to educate people from around the state about this magnificent bird and the restoration efforts currently underway in Iowa. As a contributing donor to the WAI Trumpeter Swan Educational Project, you will have the privilege of having your name engraved on a beautiful solid wood plaque that will be kept with the Trumpeter Swan as it travels throughout the state of Iowa on its educational journey. MAKE YOUR DONATION TODAY !! Complete the contributing donor information sheet enclosed. Retain the bottom portion of this form for your personal records. Return the information sheet and your tax deductible donation to: WAI Trumpeter Swan Project P.O. Box 288 Estherville, Iowa 51334-0288
Waterfowl Association of Iowa, Inc. Trumpeter Swan Educational Project Donation Contributor **PLEASE BE SPECIFIC. Your name will be engraved on the contributing donors plaque exactly as it appears below. Example: John Doe, Mr. & Mrs. John Doe
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________ City: __________________ State: _____ Zip: ________
Donation Amount: $_____________ (Minimum $20.00 contributing donation) Payment method: CK CA MO
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Waterfowl Association of Iowa, Inc. Trumpeter Swan Educational Project Donation Receipt Date: / / 2004 Donation Amount: $______________
I understand that by making my tax deductible contribution to the WAI Trumpeter Swan Educational Project my name will be engraved on the contributing donors plaque that will travel with the swan for educational purposes. Waterfowl Association of Iowa, Inc. P.O. Box 288 Estherville, Iowa 51334-0288 www.iowawaterfowl.com
Please retain the bottom portion of this receipt for individual tax purposes. Trumpeter Swan Restoration Facts Taken from the August 2003 Iowa Trumpeter Swan Restoration Quickie Fact Sheet
*Trumpeter Swans are the largest North American waterfowl, weighing up to 35 lbs. with up to an 8 foot wingspan. They are Iowa’s only native nesting Swan. Historically, trumpeters nested throughout the state.
*Last historical wild nesting Trumpeter Swan occurred in 1883 on the Twin Lakes Wildlife Area 9 miles northwest of Belmond, Iowa in Hancock Co.
*Only 69 Trumpeter Swans remained in the continental 48 states in 1993. Those were at the Red Rock Lakes NWR in Montana west of Yellowstone National Park.
*Iowa’s Trumpeter Swan restoration effort began in 1995 after obtaining approval from the Mississippi Flyway Technical Section.
*The initial goal of the Iowa Trumpeter Swan Restoration Program was to have 15 free flying nesting pairs of Trumpeters in Iowa by 2003.
*All Iowa Trumpeter Swans are marked with plastic green or red neck collars with the letters F, J, H, P and two numbers. Corresponding plastic leg and FWS bands are also placed on Iowa Trumpeter Swans.
*The first modern day nesting pair was in 1998 Dubuque County farm pond near Epworth, Iowa. This same pair also nested in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003.
*In 2003, 13 wild Trumpeter Swans nested in Iowa plus the same two nested on the Wisconsin side of the Mississippi River.
*Support for Iowa’s Trumpeter Swan Restoration Program has been phenomenal. Organizational support includes: Iowa Wildlife Federation, Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever, Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation, Iowa Wild Turkey Federation, Waterfowl Association of Iowa, ISU Trumpeter Swan Committee, Iowa Trapper’s Association, Iowa Furharvesters, Buena Vista County Trumpeter Swan Restoration Committee, Des Moines, Cedar Rapids and Northern Iowa Prairie Lakes Audubon Chapters, Iowa Association of Naturalists, The Izaak Walton League, North American Sheep Foundation, ISU Fisheries and Wildlife Biology, Furharverters and Environmental Council Chapters, Iowa Wildlife Rehabilitators Association, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and several other entities.
*People seeing a collared or wing-tagged swan should contact DNR personnel. All observations, if possible, should include the type (neck- collar, wing marker or leg band) and color of the marker (red or green), alphanumeric code on the marker (usually 3 digits, something like J05, 6F2). Observations with a verifiable marker codes will receive a response with updated information on the bird. Report Iowa Trumpeter Swan sightings to: Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Clear Lake, Iowa 641-357-3517 |