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Featured Article
Northern Iowa's 2003 Waterfowl
Season Ends |
By Lowell Washburn
Iowa Department of Natural Resources
The annual migration is over, and another north Iowa waterfowl season is
history. For duck and goose hunters, the 2003 season offered a roller
coaster, mixed bag of empty skies and fantasy hunts.
The year began with high hopes. From mid-western potholes to the
sub-arctic tundra, generally favorable spring nesting conditions
persisted across the much of the continent. Abundant water and a mild
spring resulted in excellent duck and goose production, setting the
stage for an excellent fall hunt.
The bad news was that, by the time fall rolled around, the lack of
summer rainfall had resulted in extremely poor habitat conditions across
much of the state -- particularly in the 35-county prairie pothole
region. In north central and northwestern Iowa, overall marsh conditions
were the driest since the searing droughts of the mid-1980s.
But in spite of compromised habitat conditions, the early [September]
segment of this year's split duck season enjoyed an excellent turnout of
both ducks and duck hunters. Although the lack of water may have caused
conditions to be a bit more crowded than usual, most hunters enjoyed
fair to good success during the early season's opening weekend. Well
timed weather fronts allowed hunter success to improve dramatically as a
steady stream of newly arriving migrants [blue-winged teal, green-winged
teal, pintails, mallards, and shovelers] provided excellent hunting
opportunities for the remainder of the September season.
WHEN THE CANADA GOOSE SEASON opened on September 27, hunters encountered
good numbers of geese and enjoyed excellent success during the first two
weeks of the season.
By mid-October, the state's resident populations of giant Canadas were
being bolstered by northern migrants. Among the most obvious of these
new arrivals were the thousands of arctic nesting Hutchinson's Canada
geese which staged a near two week layover at waterfowl refuges in north
central and northwestern Iowa. By mid-month, the first lesser snow and
white-fronted geese were also being reported along western Iowa's
Missouri River.
second segment of the split season was best described as "warm, dry, and
mostly duckless." Things changed for the better on October 27 as cold,
wind, and snow swept across the Dakota plains and northern Minnesota.
On October 28, the winds were arriving in Iowa, and duck hunters were
treated to the late season migration they had been waiting for. From the
Mississippi to the Missouri, waterfowlers reported thousands of ducks
heading south. Although nearly all species of web-foots were on the
move, the late October flight was dominated by mallards, widgeon,
gadwall, and ring-necked ducks. For many waterfowlers, this migration
was the best hunt of the season.
As the wintry weather persisted, a mass exodus from the North Country
soon followed. On November 1, tens of thousands of diving ducks [scaup,
ring-necks, redhead, and canvasbacks] made their appearance over the
state's 'Big Waters'. Joining the invasion were good, though less
spectacular, numbers of mallards, buffleheads, and Canada geese.
But although the continued migration was a welcome sight, Iowa hunters
were somewhat less thrilled to see large numbers of southbound loons,
mergansers, and goldeneye ducks. These hardy species are among the last
to leave the northern strongholds. When those birds arrive in Iowa, it
means the end of the migration is near.
They were right. By November 6, temperatures were dropping into the
teens. In the state's northern counties, even some of the bigger lakes
were making ice. By November 8th, the mercury had plummeted to the
single digits and most duck hunters had packed it in.
AS IS OFTEN THE CASE with waterfowl hunting, first impressions can be
deceiving. This year, quitting early was a big mistake.
In Iowa, the weather warmed up. Better yet, a new winter system moved
across the northern third of Minnesota on November 19. Although less
severe than its predecessors, the front shook loose the last of the
northern hold outs, sending a new wave of late season greenheads, Canada
geese, and even a few diving ducks into Iowa.
>From Lake Okoboji to the backwaters of the upper Mississippi, from
Otter Creek to Rice Lake to Red Rock Reservoir, the story was the same
-- easy limits accompanied by lots and lots of new ducks.
Here at Clear Lake, weather conditions continued to moderate and frozen
marshes reopened. The warm up was so dramatic that on November 20, Ross
Dirks reported seeing a garter snake basking atop a gopher mound at
Spirit Lake. The afternoon temperature that day was 70 degrees.
But this time the warm up would be short lived. On November 23, a full
fledged, Big Time winter storm buried most of Minnesota in several
inches of heavy snow. Howling, northwest winds arrived in Iowa the next
day, dropping wind chills to near 20 below. Although there weren't any
garter snakes to be seen, hunters reported that by mid-afternoon
scattered flocks of mallard ducks and seemingly endless lines of Canada
geese had began crossing the state's northern border. Although the duck
flight was short and sweet, the geese continued to arrive by the tens of
thousands -- just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday. Over the long
weekend, goose hunters reported excellent success statewide. Goose
hunting only improved when much of the state received its first
significant snowfall on December 3, ending the 2003 season on an
extremely positive note. |